
My hometown is JiangxiIt is a beautiful cityNow it is winter你那里的天气怎么样的英文怎么写 ,but it is not really coldthe weather there is always sunny in other seasons sometimes it will be rainy and windy people in there like;天气预报翻译成英语为weatherforecast或weatherreport对未来一定时期内天气变化你那里的天气怎么样的英文怎么写的预报叫天气预报根据天气形势天气图的分析,结合有关气象资料地形及季节特点群众经验等综合研究后作出就空间范围讲,有本地和区域等。

What is the weather like in your place 你那里的天气怎么样的英文怎么写?weather 英#712we#240#601r 美#712w#603#240#602n 天气 , 气象 暴风雨vt vi 晒干, 风化vt 平安渡过, 挨过;今天天气怎么样用英文翻译有两种1What#39s the weather like today2How#39s the weather todaywhat用作疑问代词时 ,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情 ” ,用作疑问句 ,为特殊疑问句的一个标志how作“怎样 。

how is the weather in your city?= what is the weather like in your city;1It is raining now2What#39s the weather like today? How#39s the weather today? is a little is the weather there?5,It#39s foggy参考资料#47。

你的家乡天气如何的英文是What#39s the weather like in your hometown双语例句1B天气很冷,冬天经常下雪你的家乡呢?B It#39s pretty cold and it often snows in winterWhat about your hometown?2你的;天气怎么样英文 1 Introduction 天气怎么样是我们每天必须面对的问题在英语中 ,这个问题通常被问为\quotWhat\#39s the weather like?\quot你那里的天气怎么样的英文怎么写了解天气状况对我们来说非常重要,无论是对生活方式或旅游计划来说都是如此2。


第一种说法how#39s the weather 第二种说法what#39s the weather like 第三种说法how do U think about the weather 第三种说法通常是熟人见面时用的,在欧洲特别是英国那边很常用 。

As everyone knows ,there are four seasons in a year Here , I want to introduce my hometown#39s climate to all of you The climate changes littleThe average temperture is very low high In summer ,you。

如果是好奇问因为你真正想你那里的天气怎么样的英文怎么写了解那里的天气 , 那上面的没问题 如果地道一点问候, 用 How is the weather over there? Is it cold。

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It is the day that the families get togetherThe spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in JanuaryIn the spring festival ,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions ,they fire the cracker,they。


典型表达What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend?周末天气会怎么样呢It’s fine cloudy rainy today 今天天气不错多云有雨It’s。

how is the weather there?或what is the weather like there 。

今天天气怎么样翻译成英语 What is the wather today =How is the wather like today 为梦想而生^_^祝你学习进步 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点选采纳为满意回答按钮~ 手机提问者在客户端右上角评价 。

英语问今天的天气有两种How’s the weather today今天天气怎样What’s the weather like today今天天气怎样重点词语weather 一读音英 #39we#240#601r ,美 #39we#240#601r二意思。