
Hello用英语介绍一年四季天气 , let me introduce the weather of our cityThere are four seasons in our city, they are sping, summer , autumn and winter Sping is from February to May When sping comes , every thing is green 。

翻译 一年四季 一年有四季,每个季节有三个月,每个季节用英语介绍一年四季天气的气候都不一样生命的轮回由四季控制 第一个季度是春季春季的三个月为三月四月和五月在这段时间里 ,天气温暖晴朗, 万物复苏冬眠的动物们也醒。

how is spring in your city用英语介绍一年四季天气? spring is usually warm and rainyhow is summer in your city用英语介绍一年四季天气? summer is usually hothow is autumn in your city? autumn is usually cool and dryhow is winter in your。

our springlike, a rain into winter This is the most often used to describe the climate of kunming Four seasons , spring and autumn breeze big dry, summer air temperature is not high, basic no more 。